RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT

RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT Batch 1

Pendaftaran : 21 October - 31 January 2025

Proposal Masuk : 182

Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between The National Research and Innovation Agency of The Republic of Indonesia (BRIN) and The Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) signed on 19 June 2024, this call is launched to enhance the cooperative activities in the field of research and development between two countries. The main objective of this call is to support research and development projects to promote scientific and technological cooperation between two countries through the synergy between both countries’ teams.


Important Dates:

1. Competition Announcement: October 14, 2024

2. Proposal Submission: October 21, 2024 - January 31, 2025

3. Initial Evaluation and Selection: February 2025

4. Announcement of Initial Selection Results: March 2025

5. Evaluation and Selection by Joint Reviewer: March 2025

6. Announcement of Result: March 2025

Eligible Applicant

The Indonesian consortium must include at least one Indonesia research institution or university and one Indonesian Company or SMEs, based in Indonesia, with appropriate legal registration. 


General Eligibility Criteria

  1. Maximum project duration up to 3 years (36 months); extensionbeyond this periodis notpermitted.
  2. The project proposal must be within one or more of the specific research priority areas described in Section D.
  3. Indonesian and Malaysian-based teams must each be led by a Principal Investigator (PI) from each country.
  4. Each project should have a Project Coordinator who will be selected from the PIs of the proposal and this person is responsible for coordinating the whole consortium (Indonesia and Malaysia Collaboration).

Specific Eligibility Criteria for Indonesia Consortium:

  1. The Indonesian consortium must consist of at least one Indonesian research institution or university and one Indonesian company/SME, based in Indonesia.
  2. The Principal Investigator (PI) can be from BRIN or another research entity with appropriate legal registration, such as a university, academic hospital, or community organization.
  3. Other research institutions legally registered in Indonesia, excluding BRIN, must register with the Sistem Informasi Registrasi Lembaga Riset (SEBARIS): https://sebaris.brin.go.id/daftar, and comply with its requirement to meet the required administrative and legal obligations.
  4. The PI submitting a proposal to BRIN must be an Indonesian citizen and hold a doctoral degree (S3).
  5. The PI must have a research track record and expertise relevant to the proposed research. Team members must have either an appropriate track record or clearly defined roles in the research project where their skill sets provide added value. All researchers (PI and team members) involved must submit their Curriculum Vitae, with their research track record detailed in the research experience section.
  6. The PI and team members can be involved in a maximum of 2  project proposals for the RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional Indonesia-Malaysia Grand Challenge funding, either as PI on 1 proposal and team member on 1 proposal or as a team member on 2 (two) proposals.
  7. Agreements between Research Institutions and Indonesian companies/SMEs must be supported by at least a letter of commitment.


RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT - RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT Batch 1

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RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT - RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT Batch 1

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RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT - RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT Batch 1

RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional - MIGHT Batch 1
Seleksi Administrasi
04 Feb 2025 00:00 15 Mar 2025 23:59
Seleksi Substansi
08 Apr 2025 00:00 30 May 2025 23:59

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Gedung BJ Habibie Lt.8

Jl. MH Thamrin No.8 Jakarta Pusat

Email : pendanaan-risnov.brin.go.id

Whatsapp (chat) : 081110646771

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