RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA
RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA 13th Call for Proposal
Pendaftaran : 15 December - 01 August 2024
Proposal Masuk : 81
The e-ASIA Joint Research Program (hereinafter referred to as the “e-ASIA JRP” aims to develop a vibrant and collaborative research community in Science and Technology, to promote innovation in the East Asian region, and to contribute to the region’s economic development. e-ASIA JRP is a multilateral international joint initiative between a number of public funding organizations of the East Asia Summit (EAS) member countries*. e-ASIA support international joint research in the East Asia region and encourage researcher community exchanges through workshops and other activities.
The aim of the 13th Joint Call for Proposal is to strengthen multilateral collaboration among researchers from the countries participating in the call and to solve common issues in the fields of food and health, health, agriculture, and alternative energy.
* EAS members include: 10 ASEAN member countries and 8 additional countries (Australia, Japan, New Zealand, China, India, South Korea, Russia, U.S.) (EAS participating countries)
Important Dates:
No | Stages | Dates |
1 | Call for Proposal | Dec 15, 2023 – March 29, 2024 |
2 | Review by Member Organization | April – August 2024 |
3 | Joint Review Meeting & Board Meeting | August – Sept 2024 |
4 | Announcement to applicants | Nov or Dec 2024 |
1. Eligibility for Indonesian Applicants
- Principal Investigator (PI) is an Indonesian citizen, a BRIN or non-BRIN researcher (university or other research institution, either from a business entity or community organization in Indonesia), civil servants or non-civil servants who has a doctoral education qualification and competency in conducting research with international partners;
- Team members may come from across institutions, universities, and/or other research institutions from business entities or independent research institutions;
- Both Principal Investigator and research team members have an experience and expertise relevant to the proposed research and proven by evidence of a track record (portfolio) of research activities;
- One team member could only be participated maximum in 2 proposals (1 proposal as Principal Investigator and 1 proposal as member, or as member in both proposals
2. Support
BRIN will support up to 5 applications. Research funding can be implemented for a maximum period of 3 (three) years based on the results of evaluations each year with a maximum amount of IDR 1,000,000,000 per project/year (including researcher mobility and infrastructure sharing).
List country specific eligible costs:
- Purchase/procurement of chemicals/consumables such as raw materials or production components;
- Honorarium for field workers;
- Domestic travel, directly related to the research activities;
- Indonesian grant could not be used for equipment;
- Mobility of Indonesian and foreign researchers and experts refers to the BRIN researcher mobility scheme (post-doctoral and/or visiting researcher). The Researcher Mobility Scheme is restricted to BRIN researchers only. For Indonesian researchers who will use the Researcher Mobility Scheme, they must engage the BRIN research group.
Please adjust the RIIM Kolaborasi guidelines as a reference for funding from Indonesia.
3. How to Apply
The proposal must be written in English and submitted to Directorate of Research and Innovation Funding BRIN by email to dana-risnov@brin.go.id (Subject email: CFP13-eASIA-Topic-Name of PI-Institution of PI) and using the provided template. All documents must be complete and original. The awardee selected proposed funding will be subject to assessment by BRIN reviewer. The amount of funds will be determined through the evaluation process by the reviewer assigned by BRIN. Shortlisted participants would be invited to give presentations if needed.
Please submit applications and correspondence via email to dana-risnov@brin.go.id. The deadline to submit your proposal to the BRIN Secretariat is March 22th, 2024 | 04.00 PM (IDN Time). Following that, BRIN will give a Letter of Approval to the Indonesian PI, who will then submit their application to our website at https://pendanaan-risnov.brin.go.id (RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA). If you are not the Lead PI but rather a Co-PI/team member, you do not need to submit a proposal to the e-ASIA Secretariat (deadline March 29th, 2024).
Additional application materials are required to be submitted directly to BRIN after the awardee list has been announced by the e-ASIA Secretariat of the Joint Research Program (the e-ASIA JRP).
Format Application Form and all related documens can be seen here https://linktr.ee/cfpeasiaindonesia
4. Evaluation
Once BRIN has approved the proposal, Lead PI must submit it to the e-ASIA Secretariat for assessment and evaluation based on the general evaluation criteria of the e-ASIA JRP. Applications submitted to the e-ASIA Secretariat will be reviewed according to the published e-ASIAJ RP evaluation process and criteria.
5. Reporting
- The Indonesian PI shall promptly submit a progress report on the status of joint research to BRIN, in accordance to the second term disbursement.
- After completion of the period of joint research, the Indonesian PI shall submit within a month a final report on the results of the joint research to BRIN.
6. Ethical Clearance and Foreign Research Permit
Researchers and Foreign Parties have to obtain a research permit. To obtain a research permit, Researchers and Foreign Parties must apply for Research Ethical Clearance and foreign research permit request. This application is done through the Research Ethical Clearance information system (https://klirensetik.brin.go.id/)
7. Material Transfer Agreement
Awardee agree that any tangible research materials required to be taken from the Republic of Indonesia for research purposes of the approved collaborative project shall be transferred through a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) between concerned research organizations in strict compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia.
8. Intellectual Property
In the event of joint research cooperation, it is the responsibility of the respective member of the collaborating project partners to determine in advance how any exploited IP will be divided amongst the partners in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations of the respective countries of the institutions Participants and the institutions’ policies and procedures. Details of this agreement shall be included in the collaborative agreement.
9. Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
- The Parties recognize the importance of the protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources (hereinafter referred to as the “GRTK”). Awardee to carry out any research activities in accordance with the provisions of International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) FAO, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other international agreements, particularly taking into account the principle of prior informed consent and of fair and equitable benefit sharing.
- Details regarding the management of GRTK shall be included in the Collaborative Agreement of any collaborative projects.
10. Data and Material Management
Data and information resulting from the research activities shall be submitted and stored at the Indonesian national repository (Repositori Ilmiah Nasional) through the pagehttps://rin.brin.go.id/ in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
Material or specimens resulted from the research activities must be lodged with the BRIN cq. Directorate of Scientific Collection Management.
Application Form
RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA - RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA 13th Call for Proposal
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RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA - RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA 13th Call for Proposal
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RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA - RIIM Kolaborasi Internasional e-ASIA 13th Call for Proposal
Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Gedung BJ Habibie Lt.8
Jl. MH Thamrin No.8 Jakarta Pusat
Email : pendanaan-risnov.brin.go.id
Whatsapp (chat) : 081110646771
Dapat dikontak selama Jam Kerja : 08.00-15.00 WIB